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A clip from James Merrill's play The Image Maker. The production was performed by both live actors and marionettes. In this pivotal monolgue, one of the play's puppets, Miguel, challenges his creator, The Image Maker.

James Merrill reading his poem "Mandala" in the Women's Building at Washington University. Merrill was a writer-in-residence at Washington University at the time.

James Merrill reading "Pola Diva" in translation from the French at Brown Hall at Washington University in St. Louis. The original poem was written by Alexandrian poet Ayoub Sinano.

James Merrill reads the poem "Ideas" on the radio program "A Moveable Feast" hosted by Tom Vitale. The episode is titled "Late Settings."

James Merrill reads his poem "Days of 1964" in January hall at Washington University in St. Louis.

James Merrill reads his sonnet sequence "The Broken Home" in Brown Hall at Washington University. Inspiration for this sequence came, in part, from his experience with his parents' divorce.

See also "Looking at Mummy" manuscript page and Journal…

James Merrill reads "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop and his own poem dedicated to Bishop, "Developers at Crystal River," at the Poetry Center in San Francisco.

James Merrill reading "In Monument Valley" at the Women's Building at Washington University in St. Louis. Merrill was a writer-in-residence at Washington University during this time.

James Merrill discusses the impetus to his relationship with Washington University's Modern Literature Collection, at the first James Merrill Symposium.

Cover and first 25 pages of theVoices from Sandovervideo script, final draft, with corrections. This was an expanded version of the dramatic reading/stage version. With Hooten's connections in the film industry, it was possible for "highly talented…
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