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Physical Description - In paper wrappers; throw-out accordion-fold format; in a slipcase.

Postcard invitation to "The Surface of the City" photograph exhibition and reading by William H. Gass.

Dust jacket of The Forgotten Forest, photographs by Michael Eastman and foreword by William H. Gass, New York: Witkin Gallery, 1992

Maria Mitsotaki and James Merrill. Merrill's face is bound as a result of Bell's Palsy, an episode recounted in "The Thousand and Second Night" (see also the manuscript pages for that poem).

"[Maria] was pert, pretty, small and sweet...and ableā€¦

Strato Mouflouzelis, "...the bittersweet muse of [James Merrill's] middle years..."

See also "Days of 1964" manuscripts, November 17, 1964 letter to Daryl Hine and "Violent Pastoral" broadside.

Judith Moffett, who "...brought a strong moral idealism, sensitivity to the perspective of gay men, and an appetite for literature."

David McIntosh, a disciplined, reserved painter of abstract landscapes who drew a "'firm and gentle line' between love and friendship, and what he wanted was the latter."

Tony Parigory and James Merrill. "Tall, smiling, Alexandrian Tony...In his worldly wisdom, off-color jokes, and macaronic bons mots...he resembled none of Merrill's friends so much as Ephraim, the Familiar Spirit."

Stephen Yenser, Merrill's student, friend, correspondent, literary executor, and "ideal reader."
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